Enviro-Guard Pollution Control Stuffing Box
The Harbison-Fischer Enviro-Guard Stuffing Box provides a polished rod seal when the primary Quik-Seal stuffing box seals are worn. When pressure escapes past the primary Quik-Seal stuffing box cone type seals, it activates the pressure seals in the Enviro-Guard, minimizing any potential environmental spill. Available for Quik-Seal stuffing boxes.
- A second set of stuffing box packing above the primary stuffing box seals.
- A pipe thread outlet in the housing between the Quik-Seal cone-type seals and the Enviro- Guard pressure-type seals allows the operator an option to install a pressure switch or fluid level switch.
- When the lower packing seals wear out and leak, pressure builds and activates the Enviro- Guard pressure actuated seals.
- Can be set up to automatically shut down the pumping unit in the event of a leak, minimizing any damage to the environment.